Vision, Mission and Objectives Alfamart

Diposkan oleh di 5/04/2012 10:33:00 am
PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk 2011 via
“To be Indonesia’s largest and globally competitive widely owned retail distribution network that empowers small entrepreneurs and fulfills customer needs and expectations”

  • To satisfy customer needs and expectations by focusing on high quality products and services.
  • To implement ethical business practices, to be the best in all of our actions.
  • To develop entrepreneurial spirits and skills in the Company and the society.
  • To develop a reliable, healthy and growing organization which benefits all stakeholders.
We set high standards for INTEGRITY, INNOVATION, QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY, TEAMWORK and CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. These basic values are the foundation of our corporate culture.

Alfamart the Honourable Member, Thank you for your confidence in using the service Alfamart Minimarket. To improve the quality of service Alfamart of loyal customers, we begged her willingness to simply share Promo Indonesia. Expected with this order can be measured by customer satisfaction Alfamart Best Minimarket Indonesia (Alfamart Minimarket Terbaik Indonesia). Return to thank you for your participation in supporting records relating to Alfamart  Minimarket. Hopefully with the regularly held Promo can always meet your needs in the shop.

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